
Do you write down your insulin ratios or insulin pump settings?

February 19 - 26, 2020


Do you write down your insulin ratios or insulin pump settings?
Yes, we have our pump settings or ratios written down on paper.
Yes, we have our pump settings or ratios tracked on our phone.
Yes, we have our pump settings or ratios logged into a diabetes management app.
Yes, we take a picture of our pump settings or ratios.
No, we rely on our doctor to keep track.
No, we've don't have this information backed up anywhere.
None of these

Keeping track of all the numbers involved in diabetes management can be a full-time job!  Our CWD family knows how important it is to stay on top of everything from blood sugars to carb ratios, and we make a point to document that information often.

According to this week's poll, the vast majority of the CWD community is keeping their insulin ratios and pump information documented in a few different places, from writing things down on paper to using an app to keep track.  It's important to have a solid back-up plan in place in the event that technology takes an unexpected vacation, so be sure to write those ratios down, snap a picture of your pump settings on your smart phone, or text that information to a family member (or to yourself).
